Novel wideband millimeter-wave antennas including antennas in package, on-chip antennas and 3D-printed antennas have been developed for emerging wireless communications. Integrated antennas are crucial to the development of high-density high-performance transceivers, especially at millimeter-wave bands or even higher frequencies, to avoid the costly and lossy packaging issues. At the millimeter-wave frequency band, these antennas are sufficiently small to be integrated in chip packaging or on chip while maintaining high performance, which could enable their use in mobile devices. On the other hand, 3D printing brings more flexibilities in antenna fabrication and design. In this talk, I will report our progress in the development of those wideband millimeter-wave antennas.
Dr Yongxin Guo is currently a Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering under the Global STEM Professorship Scheme at the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. Dr Guo was a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). He has authored or co-authored over 600 international journal and conference papers, 2 books and 4 book chapters. He holds over 70 granted/filed patents in USA, China and Singapore. His current research interests include RF sensing, antennas and electromagnetics in medicine; wireless power for biomedical applications and internet of things; wideband and small antennas for wireless communications; and RF and microwave circuits and MMIC modelling and design. He has graduated 24 PhD students and hosted and supervised more than 110 research staff, visiting PhD students, and visiting scholars at NUS.
Dr. Guo is a Fellow of IEEE and Singapore Academy of Engineering. He is serving as Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave in Medicine and Biology for the term of 2020-2025. He is a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (2022-2024). He was the recipient of 2020 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters Tatsuo Itoh Prize of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. He is serving as IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award Committee and served as the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee for IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2019-2020). Dr Guo was the Chair for IEEE AP-S Technical Committee on Antenna Measurement in 2018-2020. He has served as General Chair/Co-Chair for a number of international conferences/workshops.