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  • Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Qammer H. Abbasi

    Prof. Qammer H. Abbasi
    University of Glasgow

    Title: How to Bring 6G to Reality? Its Enabling Technologies

    Future wireless networks are expected be more than allowing people, mobile devices, and objects to communicate with each other. The sixth generation (6G) of mobile networks are envisioned to include high data rate applications and ultra-massive, connected things. This also includes bio and nano-internet of things (IoT) tele-operated driving, unmanned mobility, haptic communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, and many more. Given the size of nano-sensors, THz frequency is proposed to do various sensing activities at this scale. However, it will be ideal to use the same radio frequency for communications as well. Furthermore, THz is also proposed as an enabler of extremely high data rate applications in 6G communications. The talk will be focused on Terahertz antenna design, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) and its role for joint communication and sensing feature of 6G.

    Qammer H. Abbasi (SMIEEE, FRET, FRSA, FEAI, FIET), Professor of Applied Electromagnetics & Sensing with the James Watt School (JWS) of Engineering, Theme lead for Connecting People priority at JWS, co-director for Communication Sensing and Imaging (CSI) Hub and deputy theme lead for Quantum technologies in the University’s flagship Advance Research Centre at University of Glasgow, UK. He has grant portfolio of £10M+ and contributed to more than 500+ leading international technical journal (including nature portfolio) and peer reviewed conference papers, 11 books and received several recognitions for his research including UK exceptional talent endorsement by Royal Academy of Engineering, Sensor 2021 Young Scientist Award, University level Teaching excellence award in addition to coverage by various media houses including Analog IC tips, Microwaves & RF newsletters, Vertical news, Pakistan Dawn news, BBC news, Scotland TV, Fiercewireless and many other media houses. Prof. Abbasi is an IEEE senior member and is chair of IEEE AP/MTT UK, Ireland and Scotland joint chapter. He is an Associate editor for IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Sensors, IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE open access Antenna and Propagation, IEEE JBHI and scientific reports. He was/is a committee member for IEEE APS Young professional, Sub-committee chair for IEEE YP Ambassador program, IEEE 1906.1.1 standard on nano communication, IEEE APS/SC WG P145, IET Antenna & Propagation and healthcare network. He is/was Fellow of Royal Society of Arts, industrial Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of IET and Fellow of European Alliance of innovation.

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