The Singapore Workshop on Antennas (SWA) is a premier international event that brings together the best in antennas science, technology, and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchanges. SWA will be held at Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa, Singapore, from December 2 to 3, 2024. Renowned keynote speakers and distinguished lecturers will be giving their presentations physically in Singapore. Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to meet and interact with them. SWA is organized by the IEEE Singapore MTT/AP Joint Chapter and the IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter, and technically sponsored by IEEE Singapore Section, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, as well as Electromagnetic Science.
SWA features a focused scientific program of the highest quality on antennas with invited keynote speakers and distinguished lecturers as well as selected young scientists from all over the world. All young researchers are encouraged to submit their papers to SWA. The authors of the selected papers will be bestowed the Young Antenna Scientist Award with attractive Prize.
Keynote Speakers
Distinguished Lecturers
Workshop Organizers |